2023 Alumni Award Winner, Connor Nolan, on the Power of Opportunity

Connor Nolan
Connor Nolan’s award presentation is from 0:00 to 9:54.

Hello, NAF Nation!

I want to thank you all for being here tonight. In 2011, I attended my first NAF Next. Year after year, I watched my peers stand up here and accept this award. Now, I am so humbled that my time has come. 

To explain my journey at NAF, I need to take you all the way back to my early education. Growing up, I always struggled in classes. As a hyperactive child diagnosed with ADHD, sitting in a normal classroom and listening to a teacher lecture all day was not an effective tactic for my learning needs. My teachers and peers struggled to understand why I was not able to learn the same way as other students, and I always felt really defeated.

But, when I started my journey with NAF at Northport High School, my NAF teachers worked with me to support my educational needs with hands-on learning experiences. I no longer felt lost like the traditional school system made me feel. Through the academy, I watched my grades soar and doors open for me. 

At first, it was a kitchen door that opened, as I aspired to become a chef and own a restaurant. I enrolled in culinary classes at my school, but I soon realized that I needed to be business savvy to operate effectively. So, I transferred to the Academy of Finance.  

Every day, I looked forward to my NAF classes. Those classrooms were my safe space, filled with family-like teachers and peers who allowed me to explore and grow. The entrepreneurial spirit in the atmosphere lit a spark, and I knew this was the right path for me. 

At NAF, the people around you — teachers, mentors, students, faculty — push you to exceed expectations. I jumped on all the opportunities thrown my way, such as becoming a student officer of the NAF Academy of Finance. I had a seat at the table with NAF business partners, and it gave me the confidence and experience to become who I am today.

I raised my hand, asking all the questions. And because of my persistence and tenacity, I had a life-changing experience that led me to my current career – owning my own business.

After high school, I realized that the traditional higher education pathway was not for me. Thanks to NAF, I was career ready, and I was confident in my skills. Most importantly, I was okay with taking the risk of failing, because I knew that I would always be able to find my way. But, I didn’t fail, I excelled.

Since age 19, I have had a successful career in real estate. At just 26 years old, I became the CEO of an agency. Now, at 31, I have founded two companies in the past two years. I opened my own real estate brokerage and will be launching a company at the end of this year, which will help real estate professionals on a global scale, serving their clients at a higher level.

I allowed myself to try new things, risk failure, and I am more successful because of it. I had to go through those “mistakes” and “mishaps” in order to learn and grow and get where I am today.

My NAF academy provided me with the skills needed to be future ready and it is my pleasure to help other students realize their full potential as well. Today, I connect alumni with current NAF students in order to provide more work-based learning opportunities for the next generation. As the lead for my local NAF alumni chapter in Northport, New York, I am creating a sustainable cycle that offers students the stepping stones they need to become future business leaders.

I know I wouldn’t be here, without the opportunities that were presented to me through NAF and the individuals who encouraged me to go after them. I want to thank Allison Schwabish, the NAF academy director at Northport High School. She has helped me flourish in both my professional and personal life. I am so thankful for her guidance. Also, I want to thank all of the NAF staff members who have become my mentors and friends over the past 12 years. You all have shaped me to be the person I am today, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Now, before I leave, I want to share one final thought with you all.

Speaking from personal experience, you never know the capabilities that one student holds. They might not be the best at taking a test or sitting down and reading a textbook for hours. But, we must find other ways to amplify and enhance learning opportunities for each student based on their individual needs. And I believe that NAF is spearheading the path for this.

So to everyone out there who thinks you’re failing because your path doesn’t look the same as the others around you, remember I am in your corner, encouraging you to take the risks. 

Rest assured, with NAF, you’ll always land on your feet!  

Thank you so much.

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2023 NAF Next Alumni Award Winner

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