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ABOUT THE NATIONAL ACADEMY FOUNDATION. The mission of the National Academy Foundation (NAF) is to sustain a national network of career academies to support the development of America’s youth toward personal and professional success–in high school, in higher education, and throughout their careers.
Under the NAF definition, work-based learning refers to a continuum of activities, both in and outside the classroom, that provides opportunities for students to connect what they are learning in the classroom to the world of work; to learn about careers and the education and training requirements for occupations …
The NAF educational design is made up of four essential elements of practice: academy development & structure, curriculum & instruction, advisory board, and work-based learning.
Kemyel Bermudez, a Hartford Public High School graduate, is in their first year of college now and spent one summer with P&W NAF Program
Brittany Williams, a Senior at Hartford Public High School spent one summer with the P&W NAF program and will do another summer with them.